AIS Rapidread Findings Full List


  • Cardiomegaly
  • Left Atrial Enlargement
  • Left Ventricular Enlargement
  • Right Atrial Enlargement
  • Right Ventricular Enlargement
  • Main Pulmonary Artery Enlargement
  • Aortic Arch Enlargement
  • Heart Base Mass Effect
  • Microcardia
  • Vertebral Heart Score

Pleural Space

  • Pleural Mass Effect
  • Pneumothorax
  • Sign(s) of Pleural Effusion
  • Thin Pleural Fissure Line(s)

Pulmonary Structures

  • Pulmonary Interstitial – Nodule(s)
  • Tracheal Narrowing or Opacity
  • Alveolar Pattern
  • Bronchial Pattern
  • Pulmonary Interstitial – Unstructured
  • Pulmonary Vascular


  • Mediastinal Widening/Opacity
  • Sternal Lymph Node Enlargement


  • Gastric Dilatation Volvulus
  • Small Intestinal Obstruction
  • Gastric Foreign Material (debris)
  • Esophageal Dilation
  • Gastric Distention


  • Hepatomegaly
  • Hepatic Mineralization

Other Abdominal

  • Cranial Abdominal Mass
  • Mid Abdominal Mass
  • Caudal Abdominal Mass
  • Decreased Serosal Detail
  • Splenomegaly


  • Aggressive Bone Lesion
  • Limb Fracture
  • Stifle Effusion
  • Sign(s) of IVDD
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Spondylosis

Soft Tissue

  • Subcutaneous Mass
  • Subcutaneous Nodule
  • Fat Opacity Mass (e.g., Lipoma)


  • Urinary Bladder calculus/calculi
  • Misshapen Kidney(s)
  • Small Kidney(s)
  • Renal Mineralization
  • Uterine Enlargement
  • Prostatic Enlargement
AIS RapidRead Canine and Feline Thorax, Abdomen & Limb findings list. January 06, 2023
