All studies are reported by board-certified specialists. AIS employs over 130 board-certified specialists worldwide. Browse or search our team below!
- We understand each referring veterinarian has preferences for who they would like to read their cases. At AIS®, we give referring veterinarians the ability to select “Preferred” board-certified specialists.
- Our goal is to build close working relationships between referring veterinarians and board-certified specialists. With Antech Imaging Services, you can work with a single board-certified specialist or a group of board-certified specialists based on your preferences.
- Helping you provide the best care for your patient is our priority. If the selected “Preferred” board-certified specialist is not on duty, or their caseload is such that your consult will not be read within the specified turnaround time, the consult will be read by the first available board-certified specialist.
*To search for the specialist by name, use the Find feature of your web browser. Press Ctrl+F (on Windows PC or Chromebook), or Command+F (on a Mac) on the keyboard.