- Phone:
- (410) 355-3131
- Address:
- 4005 Ritchie Highway, Baltimore, MD 21225
Array ( [data_type] => array [data] => Array ( [address] => Ashburn, Virginia, 20147, US (Approximate) [lat] => 39.0437567 [lng] => -77.4874416 [zoom] => 4 [city] => Ashburn [state] => Virginia [post_code] => 20147 [country_short] => US ) )
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[not_found_in_trash] => Inga inlägg hittades i papperskorgen. [parent_item_colon] => [all_items] => Veterinarian Offices [archives] => Veterinarian Offices [attributes] => Inläggsattribut [insert_into_item] => Infoga i inlägg [uploaded_to_this_item] => Uppladdat till detta inlägg [featured_image] => Utvald bild [set_featured_image] => Ange utvald bild [remove_featured_image] => Ta bort utvald bild [use_featured_image] => Använd som utvald bild [filter_items_list] => Filtrera inläggslista [filter_by_date] => Filtrera efter datum [items_list_navigation] => Navigation för inläggslista [items_list] => Inläggslista [item_published] => Inlägget har publicerats. [item_published_privately] => Inlägget har publicerats privat. [item_reverted_to_draft] => Inlägget har återställts till utkastet. [item_trashed] => Inlägg har lagts i papperskorgen. [item_scheduled] => Inlägget har schemalagts. [item_updated] => Inlägget har uppdaterats. [item_link] => Inläggslänk [item_link_description] => En länk till ett inlägg. [menu_name] => Veterinarian Offices [name_admin_bar] => Veterinarian Office [template_name] => Enskilt objekt: Veterinarian Office ) [description] => [public] => 1 [hierarchical] => [exclude_from_search] => 1 [publicly_queryable] => 1 [show_ui] => 1 [show_in_menu] => 1 [show_in_nav_menus] => 1 [show_in_admin_bar] => 1 [menu_position] => [menu_icon] => dashicons-pets [capability_type] => veterinarian-office [map_meta_cap] => 1 [register_meta_box_cb] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [has_archive] => 1 [query_var] => veterinarian-office [can_export] => [delete_with_user] => [template] => Array ( ) [template_lock] => [_builtin] => [_edit_link] => post.php?post=%d [cap] => stdClass Object ( [edit_post] => edit_veterinarian-office [read_post] => read_veterinarian-office [delete_post] => delete_veterinarian-office [edit_posts] => edit_veterinarian-offices [edit_others_posts] => edit_others_veterinarian-offices [delete_posts] => delete_veterinarian-offices [publish_posts] => publish_veterinarian-offices [read_private_posts] => read_private_veterinarian-offices [read] => read [delete_private_posts] => delete_private_veterinarian-offices [delete_published_posts] => delete_published_veterinarian-offices [delete_others_posts] => delete_others_veterinarian-offices [edit_private_posts] => edit_private_veterinarian-offices [edit_published_posts] => edit_published_veterinarian-offices [create_posts] => edit_veterinarian-offices ) [rewrite] => Array ( [slug] => pennhip/locate-a-pennhip-veterinarian [with_front] => 1 [pages] => 1 [feeds] => 1 [ep_mask] => 1 ) [show_in_rest] => 1 [rest_base] => [rest_namespace] => wp/v2 [rest_controller_class] => WP_REST_Posts_Controller [rest_controller] => [revisions_rest_controller_class] => [revisions_rest_controller] => [autosave_rest_controller_class] => [autosave_rest_controller] => [late_route_registration] => [show_in_graphql] => ) [queried_object_id] => [request] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT wp_posts.*, ( 6378137 * acos( cos( radians(39.0437567) ) * cos( radians( latitude.meta_value ) ) * cos( radians( longitude.meta_value ) - radians(-77.4874416) ) + sin( radians(39.0437567) ) * sin( radians( latitude.meta_value ) ) ) ) AS distance , latitude.meta_value AS latitude , longitude.meta_value AS longitude , location.meta_value AS location FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id ) INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS latitude ON wp_posts.ID = latitude.post_id INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS longitude ON wp_posts.ID = longitude.post_id INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS location ON wp_posts.ID = location.post_id WHERE 1=1 AND ( ( wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'address' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value LIKE '{904b07f7803659b4dc3de6adc8278fad14330ba8621ee30534c1e019a3ab3e97}s:7:\"address\"{904b07f7803659b4dc3de6adc8278fad14330ba8621ee30534c1e019a3ab3e97}' ) ) AND ((wp_posts.post_type = 'veterinarian-office' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled'))) AND latitude.meta_key="address_latitude" AND longitude.meta_key="address_longitude" AND location.meta_key="address_location" GROUP BY wp_posts.ID HAVING distance <= 80467.2 ORDER BY distance ASC, wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 40, 20 [posts] => Array ( [0] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13670 [post_author] => 12 [post_date] => 2023-04-23 16:45:49 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-04-23 20:45:49 [post_content] => [post_title] => Everhart Veterinary Hospital MD [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => everhart-veterinary-hospital-md [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-04-23 16:45:49 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-04-23 20:45:49 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://info.antechimagingservices.com/pennhip/locate-a-pennhip-veterinarian/everhart-veterinary-hospital-md/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => veterinarian-office [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw [distance] => 78540.11287335919 [latitude] => 39.2336221 [longitude] => -76.6113503 [location] => 4005 Ritchie Hwy Baltimore MD 21225 United States ) ) [post_count] => 1 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13670 [post_author] => 12 [post_date] => 2023-04-23 16:45:49 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-04-23 20:45:49 [post_content] => [post_title] => Everhart Veterinary Hospital MD [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => everhart-veterinary-hospital-md [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-04-23 16:45:49 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-04-23 20:45:49 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://info.antechimagingservices.com/pennhip/locate-a-pennhip-veterinarian/everhart-veterinary-hospital-md/ [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => veterinarian-office [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw [distance] => 78540.11287335919 [latitude] => 39.2336221 [longitude] => -76.6113503 [location] => 4005 Ritchie Hwy Baltimore MD 21225 United States ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 41 [max_num_pages] => 3 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => 1 [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => 1 [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => 1 [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => f71c4764ca2cb8491df4061615087d6e [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) [_search_latitude:WP_GeoQuery:private] => 39.0437567 [_search_longitude:WP_GeoQuery:private] => -77.4874416 [_search_radius:WP_GeoQuery:private] => 80467.2 [_prefix:WP_GeoQuery:private] => address ) [template] => /nas/content/live/antechimaging/wp-content/themes/antech-diagnostics/archive-veterinarian-office.php )